
Showing posts from January, 2015

The Capricious Bend- Decemeber 6-31, 2014- at WAG gallery

I’ve been working with wood constantly for about two years now.  Within those two years, I have discovered that there are some woods that work better with what I’m doing.  I love using multiple types of wood in each piece that I create, but I noticed that I have a simple kind of love for Baltic Birch. It’s consistently throughout every piece of mine. A key element in my work is how the wood bends when tension is applied.  There’s a personal systematic way that I clamp and cut each wood piece so that they can respond to each other to create that tension.  It’s quite fun and interesting how, depending on the space and/or wooden forms, that this tension can vary in shape and structure. Instead of manipulating something drastically to become a thing that it is not, I push for letting that thing be just what is. This is why I love working with wood. The material responds in a very direct way. With my work, it is very important to me that it’s never permanent. I don’t use h

The Scrap Yard Experiment

A couple of friends and I decided to do a improv sculpture on the spot in the scrap yard. (Mika, Sophia, Kayla, and myself, Jazzmyne.)

Nashville Arts

My show The Capricious Bend made the Nashville Arts magazine!

Random experiments

The sail Form follows Function untitled These are just small experiments that just come to me when i'm working in the shop. I think it's important to play around and to just let things happen naturally. You'll have more fun, I surely do. 

Brain, Spine, and Toe

This piece I did in the fall of 2014. It used many of the concepts that I use in my other wood pieces with the exception of the clamps. 

Intro to Illustrator

This was an assignment where we had to choose things that described us. We used Adobe Illustrator. This is my sketch, to first try, to final piece. I love how the brushwork on my hair and face turned out. also, the gradient on the champagne blew my mind. Best use of a gradient i've ever seen. 


These are three experimental magazine layout pieces that I did in Photoshop and Indesign. It was for a made up story about these night creatures that come out when the sun sets. I wound up choosing piece number 3 as my final piece.