
Showing posts from 2014


Fun experimental piece I did when I first started working with wood that plays with motion.


A couple of drawings/prints I've done


This piece does not have a title yet, but I absolutely love it. I love playing around with different wood types and clamps. Clamps are my signature element, especially in my sculptures. I'm always working with random types of wood, but I try hard to manipulate them as little as possible. With that said, the simplicity of this piece is amazing. I was working late one night in the shop and had these beautiful scraps of mahogany and cherry that I couldn't really do anything with. So I played around with them and cut them here and there and this just happened. I love when a piece just happens!

Clocks in Unison

These 2 images are from a more experimental piece titled, "Clocks in Unison". It was inspired by a documentary called Death by Design which explored the make up of cells within the human body and how they work.


These 3 images are of a piece I made back in 2013 that I recently titled "Breakthrough". It was the first time that I had actually created something that spoke back to me.  It was the first time I felt as thought I was on the right track, and I was right.